Member-only story
Journaling Your Life and Beginning an Adventure
Keeping a journal can reduce stress and prompt creativity.
The advantages of journaling have received a great deal of attention, specifically in terms of therapeutic activities, but there’s more to journaling than therapy. Maintaining a journal or a notebook provides you with a path forward for creativity, writing, and life.
A friend recently told me he’s writing a series of journals for his kids. “I want them to know about my life and what it has been like for me,” he said. It’s a project he began a few years ago and he added, “I don’t intend leaving any time soon, but I want this for them so they can read it when I’m gone.”
Years ago, I stumbled across a free piece of software, a mind mapping program. I am forever grateful that the individual who wrote this program offered it freely to others, and he had placed it for download on the Internet.
I discovered that mind mapping enabled me to visualize relationships I might not have otherwise detected. At that time, I was writing a book, and it helped me see where the material was deficient where I had initially outlined it.
Of course, when I say deficient, I mean where I needed more emphasis and more work. It was well worth thinking about all of that. It did result in a book…