PinnedPublished inBeingWellThe Lawn You Love Is Killing Your Mental Health By Your Pesticide UseWeeds and bugs are only two of the things you're killing because the most important thing you don’t think about is your mental health.Jun 17, 20237Jun 17, 20237
PinnedPublished inBeingWellDoing Nothing, Including No 10K Steps, Is Good for Mental HealthToo often, we adhere to mandated wellness tips, some of which are baseless, to help maintain our mental and creative abilities. Forget much…Jun 20, 20238Jun 20, 20238
PinnedPublished inBeingWellThe Myth of the Gospel of 10,000 Steps Daily for HealthMyths abound in wellness, and the only way to handle them is by refuting them with science. This is one of the prevalent ones, so here…Jun 21, 20235Jun 21, 20235
PinnedPublished inBeingWellGrieve As You Must, and Break Free of Believing in the “Steps”Too many therapists and their patients have been led to believe there’s a formula for grieving and that everyone must process the five…Jun 25, 2023Jun 25, 2023
PinnedPublished inBeingWellThe “Evil” Therapist: Protecting yourself from those who might harm you“While nothing is easier than to denounce the evildoer, nothing is more difficult than to understand him.” DostoevskySep 27, 20197Sep 27, 20197
Published inBeingWellDecaf Unsafe or Not in Your Morning Tea or Coffee?Not wanting caffeine in your morning coffee, tea, or assorted beverages might seem like a healthy choice, but how do they remove caffeine…2d ago2d ago
Published inBeingWellFood Is the Prescription, and Food Pharmacies Could Be the Way to Better HealthEach mouthful of food may enhance and protect your health or damage it, and we now view food as a pharmaceutical.5d ago15d ago1
Published inBeingWellSexsomnia May Be a Legal Defense, But How Prevalent Is It?Legal defenses attempt to use an arcane disorder, and we have to wonder if it is a valid disorder.6d ago6d ago
Published inBeingWellAnxiety and Stress Related to Your Childhood Tonsillectomy?Removal of the tonsils has been a regular practice in the US, but research is now indicating it may be the cause of specific illnesses…Dec 12Dec 12
Published inBeingWellHidden Cancer Dangers in Common Chemicals in Wood, Beauty, and Other ProductsUnknown to consumers and workers, this chemical carries serious cancer and other health risks, and it is still being used.Dec 112Dec 112